Cosmetic Dermatology focuses on procedures and services that help patients soften signs of aging and maintain a youthful, natural appearance.
Scars are a common cosmetic concern, especially on the face. Scarring is a natural part of wound healing. Any wound to the skin including an injury, a burn, surgery and acne can cause scarring. Once a scar forms it is permanent. Scar revision therapy is intended to improve the appearance of the scar, its tone and texture so that it blends in with the surrounding skin. Fortunately, there are many good options to minimize the appearance of a scar. The right treatment for you depends upon various factors like the type of scar, its location, thickness and age, as well as your skin type.
We specialize in laser scar revision. Our cases have been featured both nationally and internationally and our techniques have been shared around the world. At Hudson Dermatology and Laser Surgery, our focus is around healing you to the best of our abilities. It’s not an easy journey but we are in it together. We use cutting edge devices and depending on the type of scar and severity, also coordinate care with surgeon colleagues and other parts of the medical team. We specialize in complex traumatic scars, acne scars, and burns.
Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali and Dr. Kiran Mian of Hudson Dermatology & Laser Surgery are board-certified dermatologists. They are widely regarded as experts in scar revision.
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Dermabrasion is a safe and effective method to treat scarring, particularly rough or elevated scars. Using a special tool, the procedure removes the upper most layer of skin. As the skin heals, new skin replaces the old to improve the appearance of the superficial scars, making them less visible. Typically, a 50% reduction in scarring is considered a good result.
Dermal fillers are valuable to fill in depressed or concave scars. The improvements can last for months or up to a year, depending on the filler chosen. Repeated treatments are necessary to maintain the results.
Steroid injections can be used to soften and shrink hard scars like keloids and hypertrophic scars. Treatments will improve the size, texture, and appearance of raised scars.
Fat transfer therapy involves injections of your own fat that is retrieved from your thighs, buttocks or abdomen, and injected to fill depressed scars. Because your own tissue is used, there is no risk of allergic reaction. A few treatments may be needed to achieve desired results.
Subcision is a minor surgical procedure designed to treat depressed scars by releasing hard and fibrous scar tissue, lifting the depression. A filer can be injected to raise any depression remaining.
Laser therapy treats thick, red, large, indented, raised scars with a special vascular laser (a pulsed dye laser) to reduce or eliminate hyperpigmentation. Usually pulsed dye laser treatment is done first, followed by CO2 laser treatment to reach the depth of the scar
An IPL Photofacial can treat hyperpigmented acne scars.
Chemical peels, especially TCA peels are good for pitted acne scars. Deep peels go deep into the skin and can take several weeks to heal. They treat the entire face and produce smoother, more youthful looking skin.
Laser skin resurfacing can penetrate and break down scar tissue without damaging healthy skin. An added benefit is the stimulation of collagen production which will naturally fill and recontour depressed acne scars. Laser skin resurfacing is good for pitted acne scars. Healing takes about 7-10 days but will produce smoother, more youthful looking skin. It cannot be used while you still have acne breakouts.
Deep severe acne scarring is best treated with surgical scar revision because these scars tend to be under tension and surgery can release the tension. Surgery will leave a scar, but it will be less visible and more acceptable than the scarring that was removed.
Acne affects close to 90% of adolescents. But acne isn’t just a teenage problem. Acne can persist long after adolescence, and its negative impact on patients is well documented. Studies report that many with acne feel embarrassed, self-conscious, less attractive, unhappy, more anxious and less confident.
Breakouts are tough enough, but many people are left with acne scarring, which is often permanent and disfiguring. Scarring is more common in people who have had severe inflammatory acne, and those whose family members have acne scarring. It is also more common when the sufferer has squeezed or picked at his or her acne bumps, which forces inflammation and bacteria deeper into the skin.
Actually, scarring is part of the normal healing process after an injury or wound, and this is also true for acne.
When a hair follicle or pore becomes clogged with dead skin cells and excess oil, and overrun with bacteria, it causes inflammation and what we call acne. Inflammation disrupts the lining of the pore or follicle and allows the bacteria to escape into the surrounding healthy tissue, causing significant inflammation and tissue destruction.
Damage to the epidermis, the top layer of skin, can result in post-acne hyperpigmentation, and shallow scars. When the damage penetrates more deeply to the dermis, the deeper skin layer that contains collagen and elastin, hair follicles and sweat glands, the resulting scars can be much deeper and more obvious. The more severe the inflammation, the worse the scar. Acne scars come in different types based on the conditions that caused the scar. Red inflamed pimples, nodules, and cysts can cause damage that the body cannot adequately repair.
Acne scars come in many colors, forms, and shapes. Discoloration of the scar may appear as pink, red, purple or brown spots. And acne scars also have different architectures. Atrophic scars sit below the rest of the skin and result from too little collagen deposition during healing.
Atrophic scars include: narrow, V-shaped ice pick scars that go deep into the skin; U shaped boxcar scars have sharp edges and are punched out in the middle; and rolling scars, which are wide depressions with irregular borders.
Then there are hypertrophic scars that sit above the surrounding skin and result from too much collagen deposition during healing.
Treatment of acne scars is a process that requires patience and motivation, but with the help of our dermatologists, you are in expert hands. Our dermatologists will listen to your concerns and create a treatment protocol specifically for you.
There are many treatment options for acne scarring, including the use of vascular lasers, ablative lasers, microneedling, topical treatments, dermal fillers, subscision and even surgery in some cases. For optimal results Hudson Dermatology and Laser Surgery often recommend a combination of treatments and procedures.
Treating acne scars takes patience, and often requires a series of treatments over time. Persistence pays off and reduced scarring enhances your self-esteem and confidence.
Neurotransmitters Cosmetic or “Neurotransmitters” is an FDA-approved injectable solution that acts to relax muscles and reduce wrinkles. As we animate our faces, our muscles contract to form forehead creases; smile, scowl, and squint lines. Neurotransmitters works by disrupting signals between nerves and muscles so that the muscles aren’t able to “flex.” This causes less muscle movement and prevents creases and wrinkles from becoming etched into the skin. Although Neurotransmitters is best for wrinkles that are formed when animating the face, it can be used to soften some deeper lines that are present at rest. Multiple Neurotransmitters treatments can improve these wrinkles over time, but lines may not completely disappear.
Most often Neurotransmitters is used to target horizontal forehead lines, squint lines (crow’s feet), and scowl lines (“angry 11s”). With specialized techniques, it can also be used to increase eyebrow arch, smooth “sniff” or “bunny” lines, raise a down-turned smile, correct a pebbly chin, elongate the face, minimize a masculine jaw, soften vertical neck bands (“grimace” bands), and control excessive sweating on the palms, soles, & under the arms.
Neurotransmitters takes 2-7 days to reduce muscle movement, and it typically lasts between 3-4 months. Muscle movement gradually returns as its effects wane. Repeat treatments every 3-4 months help soften lines most effectively.
At Hudson Dermatology and Laser Surgery, our goal is to maximize your comfort during treatment sessions. Because we use very fine needles, most patients experience minimal discomfort. Topical numbing cream and ice packs are available if desired. Temporary bruising and swelling are possible, but other side effects are rare. Before treatment, your dermatologist will thoroughly discuss the procedure and answer any questions you may have.
Jeuveau is a new drug approved by the FDA in February 2019 for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe glabellar lines called the “elevens” – short, vertical parallel lines or wrinkles between the eyebrows. Jeuveau is first new Neurotransmitters alternative in ten years. It is made with the same botulinum toxin Type A that is in Neurotransmitters.
The safety and effectiveness are similar to Neurotransmitters. Treatment takes about 3-5 days to take effect and lasts about 3-6 months, but duration varies depending on each individual’s metabolism. It is projected to cost about 25% less than Neurotransmitters, and due to a new manufacturing process, it may last longer than Neurotransmitters.
Jeuveau blocks the nerve signals that cause muscles to contract, halting the muscle contractions that cause and deepen wrinkles, to smooth facial wrinkles. It is beneficial for dynamic wrinkles that gradually deepen with repeated facial expression.
Jeuveau is injected into the muscles in the forehead to improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows. It works like Neurotransmitters, Dysport, and Zeominâ to block nerve signals to reduce muscle activity that causes deep grooves. It is also used at the corners of the eyes to temporarily halt muscle contractions that cause crow’s feet. It can be used for horizontal forehead lines, vertical lines between the eyebrows that make us look angry and tired, to soften crow’s feet, smooth the chin, lift the corners of the mouth and reduce the appearance of neck bands.
In addition to treating glabellar lines, our dermatologists have the skills and expertise to:
Hudson Dermatology & Laser Surgery is located in Hudson Yards and near Hell’s Kitchen, easily accessible to New Yorkers. Dr. Bhanusali and Dr. Mian are leading dermatologists and researchers who are recognized healthcare innovators and the “go to” dermatologist for regular people and celebrities. Our dermatologists’ state-of-the-art, innovative and life-changing aesthetic services can transform your life. You will always receive first class treatment in a private professional environment. Call us today to schedule a consultation to discover the hottest new product available to reduce the signs of aging, lift your spirits and treat sagging skin.
Youthful skin retains its tight, resilient, and flexible properties because of its water content. Aging, hormone changes, and sun exposure decrease the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin, which results in collagen degradation, dryness, loss of elasticity and volume, and wrinkles.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is the main molecule associated with skin moisture, resilience and flexibility, and volume. HA is a naturally occurring sugar found in the body and a key component of our soft tissues including the eyes, skin, connective tissues and joints. HA attracts and binds to water to provide volume, softness, smoothness and moisture to the skin which can fight the signs of aging. HA helps boost collagen production and hydrates the skin which reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
Because of their unique properties hyaluronic acid fillers are the most popular fillers in cosmetic dermatology for whole face restoration. HA fillers are an established treatment for correcting facial volume loss, lip augmentation, and smoothing of lines, folds and wrinkles with documented safety and efficacy.
Juvederm is a collection of five different hyaluronic acid dermal fillers ideal for lifting, contouring, smoothing and plumping the skin. They work by attracting water to restore support structures like collagen and elastin, to reduce deep lines and wrinkles from the inside. All the Juvederm products contain lidocaine for your comfort during injection.
Juvederm Voluma is safe and effective to correct mild to severe facial volume loss in the mid-face, a common area that shows the signs of aging. Volume loss sharpens contours and hollows the cheek area. Voluma replenishes lost volume to the cheeks and recreates soft contours for significant rejuvenation. The enduring effects last up to 24 months after one or two treatments and imparts lifts and youthful restoration.
Juvederm XC smooths moderate and severe facial lines including lines and wrinkles around the mouth and nose. Its smooth consistency restores volume and hydration to improve skin elasticity. Vollure, a softer version of Voluma, is ideal to smooth fine lines and winkles. It lasts about 18 months.
Juvederm Ultra XC is an advanced dermal filler with a smooth consistency to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and for lip augmentation. It will smooth away smile lines and wrinkles, restore contours and volume, and lasts up to a year.
Juvederm Volbella XC creates natural looking, fuller lips, restores lip symmetry and smooths vertical lip lines. It lasts about 12 months.
Juvederm products can restore symmetry, smooth nasolabial folds and marionette lines, augment the cheeks and lips, fill undereye hollows, enhance the jaw line, treat temple hollows and flaccid ear lobes.
When you are considering dermal fillers, contact Hudson Dermatology & Laser Surgery in Hudson Yards, NY to schedule a consultation. Our board-certified dermatologists are known to mix and match different fillers based on location, look, and feel. No two people are the same and as such, no two procedures should be as well.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is the main molecule associated with skin moisture, resilience and flexibility, and volume. HA is a naturally occurring sugar found in the body and a key component of our soft tissues including the eyes, skin, connective tissues and joints. HA attracts and binds to water to provide volume, softness, smoothness and moisture to the skin which can fight the signs of aging. HA helps boost collagen production and hydrates the skin which reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
Because of their unique properties hyaluronic acid fillers are the most popular fillers in cosmetic dermatology for whole face restoration. HA fillers are an established treatment for correcting facial volume loss, lip augmentation, and smoothing of lines, folds and wrinkles with documented safety and efficacy.
The best candidates are younger and have pinchable, genetic submental fat, that is not weight related and good skin elasticity. The best way to know if you are a good candidate is to schedule a consultation with one of our dermatologists.
During your dermatologist will review your medical history, examine your skin, assess your submental fat and evaluate your skin elasticity. He may take before and after photos. Most people need 2-6 treatments for optimal results. Your dermatologist will recommend the number of treatments that will provide you with optimum results.
Kybella treatment is fully customizable to your needs. However, results are technique dependent which means you want an expert such as Dr. Bhanusali or Dr. Mian, who are trained in advance injection techniques, know face and neck anatomy and can sculpt the treated area to improve the contours of your jawline, and enhance your profile.
Your face and neck will be cleaned, and a numbing gel applied. Your dermatologist will map out the injection sites and proceed to deliver the drug into the treatment area. Some patients feel a burning sensation which is calmed with an ice pack. After the procedure you may have a compression bandage around your head. Total treatment time is between 15 and 30 minutes.
After the first treatment you will experience swelling and soreness that will improve within a few days to a week. Swelling indicates that the drug working to break down the fat cells. Swelling from subsequent treatments depends on the amount of fat that remains. There may be some temporary bruising and redness, and possibly some numbness, all of which will resolve within a few days.
Most patient see some noticeable improvement after the second treatment, but it takes time for the drug to kill the fat cells. Tissue tightening requires several months.
At Hudson Dermatology & Laser in Hudson Yards, NYC you can count on personalized attention to your specific concerns and state of the art treatments to rejuvenate your appearance. Call us to schedule a consultation to discover the dramatic results achievable with Kybella.
Restylane is a hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal filler that comes in various formulations for specific treatments. Thinner formulations are used to treat fine lines and wrinkles, and to plump the lips.
Thicker formulations are designed to restore volume lost due to age and to fill moderate to severe lines and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance. The Restylane family of fillers contains lidocaine to reduce injection discomfort.
HA fillers are the most popular fillers because they are safe and versatile. They are used to temporarily volumize and contour soft tissues. HA fillers are ideal to rejuvenate the aging face. HA is a naturally occurring sugar compound that is essential to youthful skin. It attracts and binds to water to restore volume and provide a natural look and feel.
During your consultation with one of our dermatologists, they will listen to and discuss your concerns and expectations with you. They will carefully review your medical history and evaluate your skin. Then they will make a recommendation as to which filler is best for you and explain the course of treatment, the expected results, the need for maintenance treatments and how long the effects can be expected to last. Our dermatologists often like to mix and match fillers for optimal appearance and satisfaction. No two people are the same and so, no two treatments are the same.
Injectable hyaluronic acid fillers are safe and effective for all skin types and colors.
Your skin will be cleaned and mapped to focus on your areas of concern. Your dermatologist will inject the filler and massage the areas to distribute the product, smooth any lumps and bumps and recontour the treated areas. Side effects from injection may include temporary tenderness, swelling, bruising, and redness that will resolve quickly.
Part of the beauty of fillers is that they can be molded to create symmetry and sculpted to restore contours. While complications from are very rare, an expert must know anatomy to decrease risk of intravascular occlusion, and to provide you with the best your results are technique dependent. An experienced and skilled injector has an artistic eye and can sculpt and recontour the treated areas based on appreciation of facial harmony and bone structure.
Contact Hudson Dermatology & Laser Surgery to schedule a cosmetic dermatology consultation. A consultation with one of our dermatologists can help you find the best options for face and skin rejuvenation to restore your natural beauty. Dr. Bhanusali has served as a consultant with Galderma, Allergan, and other aesthetic brands where he’s called on for his scientific expertise. Additionally, he is a cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon who offers minimally invasive techniques and advanced procedures to help you reclaim and enhance beauty at any age. Often a combination of fillers and minimally invasive procedures will provide the most optimal outcome.
Collagen is a natural protein and the key structural component of youthful, smooth and wrinkle-free skin. Elastin is also a protein that depends on collagen to keep the skin firm, plump and toned. With age collagen and elastin production naturally decline, and existing collagen and elastin degrades with sun exposure and environmental damage caused by pollution, smoking, and stress.
Beginning at about age 20, collagen and elastin degradation is faster than new collagen and elastin production. Starting at age 20 we lose approximately 1% of our collagen each year. The skin’s tone and texture change leading to fine lines and wrinkles. By age 50 there is about a 30% decrease in collagen and reduced elastin and hyaluronic acid (HA). HA keeps the skin hydrated. The result is a loss of fullness, hollowed out temples and cheeks, shallow and deep wrinkles and folds, and jowling.
Sculptra Aesthetic is a filler that restores youthful fullness to reduce hollows and lose and deflated skin. It is made of micro particles of Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLC), a synthetic form of lactic acid that is biocompatible with your body.
Sculptra works by stimulating the body to synthesize new collagen and elastin to gradually restore structure and volume, skin firmness and plumpness for a more youthful appearance. Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers that provide temporary improvement in the appearance of lines and wrinkles, Sculptra is an anti-aging treatment that tackles volume loss and lost elasticity that underlie facial aging.
Sculptra provides immediate improvement in volume and reduces deep wrinkles. Within a week the skin begins to create the new collagen and after a series of 2-4 treatments full volumization is restored. Think of it as slowly reversing the signs of aging over months instead of any drastic change, a trick used often in Hollywood. Sculptra effects are retained for up to 25 months. Periodic maintenance injections can help to retain the desired results.
Sculptra results look so natural because they come from the body’s natural collagen production. Minimal side effects include bruising, pain at injection sites, and swelling and redness, which typically resolve within a few days to a week after injections.
Our dermatologists have an artist’s eye and can visualize how to help you achieve your appearance goals. They can use it for scar revisions, reverse aging, or dilute it for superficial collagen stimulation. Contact Hudson Dermatology & Laser Surgery in Hudson Yards, NY to schedule a consultation.
Spider veins are dilated small blood vessels that are just below the surface of the skin. Visible spider veins are frequently found on the cheeks, nose, chin and legs. They appear as thin red lines or web-like patterns of blood vessels. Facial spider veins are common with age, due to broken vessels but some medical conditions such as Rosacea cause visible facial veins. They are usually harmless but are unattractive. When spider veins appear on the ankles it may be an indication of a more serious health problem.
Varicose veins are enlarged blood vessels that are causes by damaged veins with weak vein walls. Varicose veins may be an indication of or create a risk for a more serious condition, such as a blood clot in the veins or phlebitis. Veins have valves that are designed to prevent blood in the legs from flowing backward and pooling in the veins. Varicose veins develop when the valves in the veins are damaged, and the blood that was to circulate back to the heart instead pools in the leg veins (venous reflux).
Most varicose veins cause no symptom and do not require treatment. However, if you have symptoms such as discomfort, leg ulcers, swelling and discoloration, treatment will be recommended. When your main concern is cosmetic, treatment will remove the offending veins.
There are multiple causes of visible veins:
Sclerotherapy is the gold standard treatment to eliminate spider veins and varicose veins. Using a very fine needle, sclerotherapy involves the injection of a prescription medication into the offending vein which causes the vein walls to collapse and seal off the abnormal vein. The treated vein disappears over the course of a few weeks. Some veins may require more than one treatment. Sclerotherapy is an office procedure performed under local anesthetic. Activities may be limited for several days after treatment.
Laser vein treatments use advanced laser technology (laser and intense pulsed light (IPL)) to destroy visible blood vessels. The heat from the laser or IPL targets the blood vessels, seals the abnormal vessels and does not damage the skin.
Laser treatment is a preferred treatment for facial veins because it requires no incisions and doesn’t injure healthy skin. The laser targets the red color and eliminates the vein without bruising. The body reabsorbs the unwanted blood vessels during healing. There is no downtime and normal activities can be resumed almost immediately.
RFA is a minimally invasive outpatient treatment. Under ultrasound guidance, radiofrequency energy is used to seal off the disease varicose vein with only minimal damage to the surrounding tissues. Treatment removes the veins and their symptoms. There is no need for sutures and there are no scars. It can be performed under local anesthetic. This procedure may be covered insurance.
The procedure involves the insertion of a small catheter into the diseased vein. The laser emits head which seals the vein shut. With time, the vein shrinks and disappears. After treatment some patients experience tenderness and bruising which can be treated with over the counter pain medications and should resolve within a week. RFA has been proven 99% effective for large varicose veins. For smaller dilated veins in the legs, sclerotherapy may be the best option.
These procedures have been replaced by laser or radiofrequency ablation.
This procedure removes the abnormal vein through small slits in the skin. It is reserved for large various veins close to the skin. It is performed using local anesthesia. After treatment, there will be temporary bruising and swelling which will respond to over the counter pain medications. The patient will wear compression stockings for a week.
Contact Hudson Dermatology & Laser Surgery for more information about vein treatments. Our dermatologists are board-certified experts who provide medical and cosmetic dermatological services.
15-30 minutes
Minimal (swelling, redness, bruising)
Anytime, as needed to dissolve unwanted fillers.
Typically, one session is sufficient.
Hylenex is an enzyme (hyaluronidase) used to dissolve hyaluronic acid fillers quickly and safely. It is ideal for correcting overfilled areas, asymmetry, or unwanted filler results. The effects are immediate, and the treated area returns to its natural state.
Injectable Hyaluronidase
No special preparation needed.
During the treatment, Hylenex is injected into the areas with unwanted filler using fine needles. The enzyme works quickly to dissolve the filler.
Minimal aftercare required. Avoid strenuous activities for 24 hours.
Is Hylenex safe?
Yes, it is safe when administered by certified dermatologists.
How long does it take for Hylenex to work?
The effects are immediate, with full results seen within 24-48 hours.
Does the treatment hurt?
There may be some discomfort, but it is generally well-tolerated.
What are the side effects?
Common side effects include redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site, but these are usually temporary.
30-60 minutes
Minimal (swelling, redness, bruising)
Low to Moderate
Anytime, as needed for volume restoration and wrinkle reduction.
Typically, one session with touch-ups as needed.
Radiesse is a unique dermal filler designed to restore volume and smooth out wrinkles and folds. Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, Radiesse is composed of calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres, which provide immediate lifting and volumizing effects while stimulating collagen production for long-term results. It is commonly used to treat facial wrinkles, folds, and volume loss in the hands.
Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA) Microspheres
Avoid alcohol and anti-inflammatory medications for 24 hours before the treatment.
Before the treatment, a topical anesthetic is applied to minimize discomfort. During the treatment, Radiesse is injected into the targeted areas using fine needles. The gel provides immediate volume, and the CaHA microspheres stimulate collagen production.
Avoid strenuous activities and makeup for 24 hours. Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling and bruising. Follow specific aftercare instructions provided by the physician.
Is Radiesse safe?
Yes, Radiesse is FDA-approved and safe when administered by certified dermatologists.
How long does Radiesse last?
Results can last up to 18 months, depending on the area treated and individual factors.
Does the treatment hurt?
There may be some discomfort, but it is generally well-tolerated with the use of numbing agents.
What are the side effects?
Common side effects include redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site, but these are usually temporary.
Can Radiesse be dissolved if I don’t like the results?
No, unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, Radiesse cannot be dissolved. It is important to have the treatment performed by an experienced injector to ensure satisfactory results.
How many sessions will I need?
Most patients achieve desired results with a single session, with touch-ups as needed.
What should I avoid after the treatment?
Avoid strenuous activities, sun exposure, and makeup for 24 hours after the treatment.
Can Radiesse be used in combination with other fillers?
Yes, Radiesse can be combined with other fillers and treatments to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Consult with your dermatologist to create a customized treatment plan.
30-60 minutes
Minimal (slight redness or swelling)
Anytime, as needed for volume restoration and wrinkle reduction.
Typically, one session with touch-ups as needed.
Belotero is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler that effectively treats fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss. Its unique formulation allows it to integrate smoothly into the skin, providing natural-looking results. Belotero can be used to treat various areas of the face, including nasolabial folds, marionette lines, vertical lip lines, and cheeks.
Hyaluronic Acid-Based Gel
Avoid alcohol and anti-inflammatory medications for 24 hours before the treatment.
Before the treatment, a topical anesthetic is applied to minimize discomfort. During the treatment, Belotero is injected into the targeted areas using fine needles. The gel integrates into the skin to provide immediate volume and smoothing effects.
Avoid strenuous activities and makeup for 24 hours. Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling and bruising. Follow specific aftercare instructions provided by the physician.
Is Belotero safe?
Yes, Belotero is FDA-approved and safe when administered by certified dermatologists.
How long does Belotero last?
Results can last up to 12 months, depending on the area treated and individual factors.
Does the treatment hurt?
There may be some discomfort during the injections, but it is generally well-tolerated with the use of numbing agents.
What are the side effects?
Common side effects include redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site, but these are usually temporary.
Can Belotero be used with other fillers?
Yes, Belotero can be combined with other dermal fillers and treatments for a comprehensive facial rejuvenation plan. Consult with your dermatologist to determine the best treatment strategy for your needs.
What should I avoid after the treatment?
Avoid strenuous activities, sun exposure, and makeup for 24 hours after the treatment. Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your physician to ensure the best results.
What makes Belotero different from other fillers?
Belotero’s unique formulation allows it to integrate smoothly into the skin, making it particularly effective for treating fine lines and providing subtle, natural-looking results. It is versatile and can be used for various facial areas and concerns.
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