


DISCOMFORT Low to Moderate

BEST TIME This treatment can be performed year-round. Many patients opt for CoolTone in the months leading up to summer to enhance muscle definition for beach season.

RECOMMENDED NUMBER OF SESSIONS 6 treatments over 4 weeks


Cooltone is a noninvasive muscle toning technology that is FDA approved for use on the abs, buttocks, and thighs. Cooltone uses AMP (Active Magnetic Pulse) technology, which is designed to warm up, tone, firm, and strengthen muscles while providing active recovery. Effective results come from 6 Cooltone treatments completed within 4 weeks.

  • Each cycle/procedure/Visit is 30 minutes, and the medical assistant will increase the percentage of intensity throughout the course of the treatment, based on the patient’s tolerability.
  • A patient doesn’t need to go all the way to 100%, because their highest tolerability may be less. Listen to the patient, and allow them to direct you when they want to go to a higher percentage.
  • Once the cycle is finished, you can undo the patient’s strap and replace the paddles. Make sure that you remove the Cooltone card from the slot and return it to its original location. 
  • Active Magnetic Pulse (AMP) Technology

  • Non-invasive muscle toning and strengthening.
  • Enhanced body contours and definition.
  • Quick and efficient treatment sessions.
  • Noticeable results with consistent treatments.
  • Safe and FDA-cleared procedure.
  • Can be combined with other body contouring treatments.
  • No downtime is required.

What to expect?


  • No special preparation is needed.


  • Before the treatment, the target area is prepared, and the CoolTone paddles are placed on the skin.
  • During the treatment, magnetic pulses stimulate muscle contractions, similar to an intense workout. Quick procedure with minor discomfort during treatment.


  • No special aftercare required.
  • Follow specific aftercare instructions provided by the physician.


  • Will this get me a six-pack?As with most cosmetic treatments, desired results come with several consistent treatments. The course of treatment for Cooltone is 6 treatments completed within 4 weeks. To achieve the best results, all treatments must be completed in a timely fashion. However, everyone’s bodies are different and we cannot guarantee the same results from person to person. The Cooltone machine works to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles, which can often result in the appearance of more defined abs. 
  • Will I lose fat? No, the mechanism of action for this machine is strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles underneath the fat – NOT lysing fat cells. So, if your main goal is to lose fat, unfortunately, this treatment will not be as effective. However, the abdominal muscles at the core will strengthen with several sessions. 
  • I’m nervous about the pain! Will this be a very painful treatment? I totally understand your concern! Pain is relative and differs from person to person. However, this machine works by magnetic pulses that can be uncomfortable, especially when we increase the percentage of intensity incrementally. After the treatment, you may feel soreness in the area of treatment – almost as if you have just completed an intense workout targeting those muscles. You should not feel severe or intense pain, but if that is the case, we can always start slow and maintain a low percentage throughout your treatments! Remember – your highest intensity may not be 100% and that is perfectly OK!
  • Is CoolTone safe? Yes, CoolTone is FDA-cleared and safe when performed by trained professionals.
  • How many treatments will I need? A series of six treatments over four weeks is recommended for best results.
  • Is there any downtime? No, you can resume normal activities immediately after the treatment.
  • How soon will I see results? Results may be noticeable after a few sessions, with full results developing over several weeks.
  • How does CoolTone compare to CoolSculpting? CoolTone uses Active Magnetic Pulse (AMP) technology to strengthen and tone muscles, while CoolSculpting uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate fat cells. CoolTone focuses on muscle enhancement, whereas CoolSculpting targets fat reduction. They can be complementary treatments for body contouring.